salad bowlFood for Thought
Christ and the Media Read Article

March 2021

Christ and the Media


It was in November 1976 that John Stott invited journalist and broadcaster Malcolm Muggeridge - whom he hailed as a prophet - to give 3 lectures at All Souls Church, Langham Place, London, on the topic “Christ and the Media”.

The time has surely come for a contemporary update of the nature and impact of the ever-growing influence and the ever-increasing number of media devices and channels through which we keep in touch with one another and are, ostensibly, informed, entertained and educated. It is well-named the ‘Mass Media’, for we have been hit by a tsunami of Social Media networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, You Tube etc.), hundreds of TV Channels, DVD’s, Live streaming, Podcasts, Netflix, Spotify, Radio, and Gaming. All of this is available to us however and whenever we want it, and wherever we are. It is brought to us through satellites and cyberspace, via our laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc., and not forgetting the humble Newspaper, with paper copies now increasingly being replaced by online content.

But at what price?