salad bowlFood for Thought
Finding and Serving God in the Political Arena Read Article

December 2019

Finding and Serving God in the Political Arena


I believe that all of us, as Christians, are called to be involved in politics in the broadest sense of the word. If we look up definitions of the word ‘political’ in the dictionary, it means ‘pertaining to civil government and its administration’; ‘the art or science of civil government’. So although not all of us will necessarily be called to be involved in ‘Party politics’ as such and join a political tribe, and even fewer of us will be called to make a career out of being a politician, nevertheless, all of us are called to be involved in the welfare, direction and public policy of the citizens among whom we live. This is politics in its broadest sense. However, people in general and Christians in particular, have very different views about involvement in the political scene.