salad bowlFood for Thought
God, Me, and Ageing Read Article

July 2024

God, Me, and Ageing


None of us can escape the fact that we are growing older! But how do we view this reality ~ with a sense of fulfilment or one of foreboding? Although many of us are living longer (quantity of life), are we living better (quality of life)?

This article looks at the benefits and drawbacks of being older and asks: What do older people need and how can we all face up to what Psychologists call ‘the challenge of a completed life’?

The apostle Paul is clear that we can know ongoing spiritual renewal throughout our lives even in the context of physical disablement (2 Cor. 4:16) and this is a protective against losing heart. It appears that there is no retirement age for a Christian!

Another important question the article touches on is this: ‘How can we integrate young and older people into our churches and communities?’ Surely God is looking for an intergenerational as well as an international church.