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Habakkuk - God’s Word for Today Read Article

May 2024

Habakkuk - God’s Word for Today


If you can find the book of Habakkuk it is well worth reading! It is short but packs a powerful punch, speaking, as it does, into the international and political situations the world faced then (and now), as well as having important lessons for us to apply personally and pastorally.

Habakkuk is upset with God and questions him about what he is doing, or not doing, both in Habakkuk’s own nation of Judah, and on the world stage. Habakkuk is strong on interrogatory prayer. I believe it is when we engage with God in direct dialogue, bringing our heartfelt concerns and perplexities to him, that we grow in our Christian faith. God always replies, even when we don’t get the result we are looking for!

So, what was it that transformed Habakkuk from being a rather disgruntled, despondent prophet, into a singing, praising one? His circumstances hadn’t changed so what had? Read on to find out!