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How is the Pandemic death toll affecting our faith? Read Article

April 2020

How is the Pandemic death toll affecting our faith?


When Jesus finally got back to Bethany, death was in the air. Lazarus was dead and buried. Today, as I write this, there has been over 3000 deaths in Care Homes, just over 26,000 deaths in the UK as a whole and over 200,000 deaths worldwide linked to the coronavirus pandemic. Every day on the news there are heart-wrenching stories of loved ones lost as the totals mount daily. In Bethany, Mary and her sister Martha were distraught and needed to express their disappointment in Jesus, “Where have you been? Why weren’t you here? We told you what the situation was with Lazarus and you didn’t come, and now you are too late.” Similarly, at times, we may pray prayers like this, wondering where God is, why he doesn’t seem to act, or even, does he care?