salad bowlFood for Thought
The Twin Dangers Of Taking God’s Love Out Of Context and Describing His Love As ‘Unconditional’ Read Article

May 2020

The Twin Dangers Of Taking God’s Love Out Of Context and Describing His Love As ‘Unconditional’


What’s The Problem?

I am writing this piece in an attempt to counterbalance two trends I have noticed in the Christian community which I think have become unbalanced.

Firstly, I believe there is an over-emphasis on God’s love at the expense of all His other attributes, and secondly, we hear a lot of people talking today about God’s ‘unconditional love’, a phrase which never appears in the Bible. If we overemphasise one aspect of God, i.e. His love, and forget about His many other attributes, we may end up worshipping someone who isn’t God at all, an idol.