salad bowlFood for Thought
The Upside-down Christ and His Upside-down Kingdom Read Article

December 2022

The Upside-down Christ and His Upside-down Kingdom


A few months ago, my wife and I went to the Science Museum in London with three of our grandsons. In the interactive ‘Wonder Lab’, we looked into a mirror and appeared to be standing on our heads; we were inverted, turned upside down! It was quite an unsettling experience. However this, it seems to me, is exactly what Christ does whenever he comes to us and establishes his Kingdom. If we are expecting him to leave us the ‘right way up’, as the world views things, we may be disappointed.

Jesus was indeed a revolutionary, overturning the tables of the money-changers in the temple and challenging nearly all of the ‘givens’ of his day and therefore of ours also.