salad bowlFood for Thought
What Was/Is God Saying to Us in 2020 and Through Into 2021? Read Article

January 2021

What Was/Is God Saying to Us in 2020 and Through Into 2021?


Although we were all in the same pandemic storm in 2020, we were all in different boats in the storm and were impacted very differently. Although my wife and I have been restricted in some of our activities and have had, like everyone else, to get used to much less direct face-to-face contact time with family and friends, in other ways our lives have been enriched, spending more time talking and praying together, doing more reading, and for me, more writing.

I would say we have been brought to a place where we have been able to evaluate what are the most important things to us, and been able to listen to, pray for, and give to all those who have been more adversely affected by Covid-19 than we have.